

Database removed but still shows in CPanel

Code: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/setupdbmap   If that does not correct it, then please...

How do I disable SSH login for the root user?

InstructionsNOTE: In the following example, we are using admin for the username. This is just a...

How install attracta SEO Tools in cPanel Servers

How install attracta SEO Tools in cPanel ServersLog into your cPanel server(s) via SSH and run...

How to Stop and Disable Firewalld on CentOS 7

Firewalld is a complete firewall solution that has been made available by default on all CentOS 7...

How to enable mod_deflate globally in cPanel/WHM

This will be a quick one folks.  The Apache module mod_deflate helps in reducing the size of the...

How to install ConfigServer ModSecurity Control (cmc)

wget zxf cmc.tgzcd cmcsh

How to install Fantastico on cPanel/WHM

Tutorial courtesy of You don't need to download any files in order to install...

How to install GMP Math on cPanel EasyApache 4

How to install GMP Math on cPanel EasyApache 4 EasyApache 4 If you are running EasyApache 4 on...

How to install mod_evasive on a cPanel server

How to install mod_evasive on a cPanel servers mkdir download cd download wget...

How to whitelist your IP at CPHulk

cd/script./ Just don’t forge to replace

How to: Linux delete or remove kernel

Rpm based distro - Red Hat/CentOS/Fedora Core/Suse Linux   First find out all installed...

ImageMagick – How to install ImageMagick on your cPanel Server / VPS Centos 7
Install oci8 Extension on CentOS 7 cPanel Server

Install oci8 Extension on CentOS 7 cPanel Server We need to download basic and sdk instant...

Installing Rkhunter (Rootkit Hunter) in RHEL, CentOS and Fedora

cd /tmp # wget...

Installing and Configuring CSF Firewall

Installing and Configuring CSF Firewall This article demonstrates how to install and configure...

Linux Creating a Partition Size Larger Than 2TB

Find Out Current Disk Size Type the following command:# fdisk -l /dev/sdbSample outputs: Disk...

Linux Malware Detect

cd /tmp wget tar xfz...

Resize /tmp partition on cPanel

It’s quite common for a cPanel server to need a larger /tmp partition.To resize follow...

Set Default Editor to nano Centos

Introduction vi is a wonderful, full feature text editor. However, some might lack...